Monday, July 14, 2008

English Teacher Suspended Not for Teaching Freedom Writers, but Insubordination

Here is a teacher who thinks she knows better what her students should be reading, than local school officials who are supporting local school norms.

Watch it carefully. It's not about censorship, but the teacher's insubordination.

And don't be fooled into thinking that only conservatives come down on teachers in this manner. I've known Leftists to be much harder and more stringent.

I have to open that political blog, and not muddy these clear mountain lakes.

Click on the link to see CNN video:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with the suspension. She was insubordinate. I have no opinion on the book, because I have not read it, but the school board has the power and authority and responsibility to approve the books used in the classroom. If they determined it was not suitable for their particular student population, then that is their right. If the parents do not think the decision was appropriate, they can replace the school board at the next election. But she had no right to "do it anyway"

I agree that that is a poor role model for the students. We have enough students who already feel they are entitled to do or not do whatever they feel like. This should not be reinforced by adult behaviors.

149 permission slips were returned. Did those parents give permission because they knew the content of the book and made a conscious decision to have it used as a textbook in their students classroom? Or did they sign it on the reputation of the teacher and the desire of their child?

If 149/150 parents were in favor of using the book, where were those parents when the teacher needed the support? My guess is once the parents actually found out what was in the book, they had real reservations.

As usual CNN gives a very half-hearted attempt at bringing the whole story to light.