Friday, October 29, 2010

Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama - Yuri N. Maltsev - Mises Media(MPEG-4 Video)

Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama - Yuri N. Maltsev - Mises Media(MPEG-4 Video)

This foundational lecture on the evils of socialism by a former-Soviet economist is a must be seen by all Americans. This is one of those Best-Lectures that should inform our lives and voting decisions.
1 Socialism killed 160 million people to prove that it was a "workable" system.
2 Marx's writings were classified by Lenin in secret KGB files, they were so horrific! Recently declassified, a paper Marx wrote in 1888 in Bonn, Germany stated that there is a lot of "racial trash" in the world that should be killed - burned in the fire of socialist progress. Violence is the midwife of history.
3 Stalin said: "Death of one is tragedy; death of million is statistic." (Syntax intended.)
4 Lenin was tired of the Russian people not listening to his admonishments. His KGB director said: Take one or two out and shoot them publicly. They expanded that to 10s, then 100s, 1,000s and tens of thousands. That increased the Russian people's attention span!
5 During the 1930s, at the peak of Soviet economic expansion, the KGB were killing an average of 12,000 a day!
6 The United States people elected a Marxist-Leninist president. Obama was up-front about his politics in his book Dreams of My Father. Therein he states that his mentor was Frank Marshall Davis - a member of the American Communist Party. Davis was a close associate of Paul Robison, the singer, who was a Russian spy and was on the KGB payroll.
7 These men and others ascribed to the 1920s Communist tract: And Not a Shot was Fired, a how-to book on destroying the United States from within. Destroy the churches and the families of America!
8 George Bernard Shaw in a filmed interview stated that there many worthless people in the world, and called on science to come up with a gas that would get rid of those worthless millions. Science obliged with inventing Cylcon-B.
9 According to this former Russian economist, Michael Moore in his book Downsize This on page 27 states that the conservative writer William Safire would be raking manure in the society that Moore wants established. "We should take Moore's threat seriously."

You be very careful who you vote for and give power to in the 2010 Election.