Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sheri Dew, Leather-bound Books to Score Big at Deseret Book

With the introduction of heirloom quality, leather-bound books, Deseret Book CEO Sheri Dew offers LDS Church members the chance to enshrine the best books of the apostles and prophets in their homes this Christmas season.

You run your hand over the richly bound books, eyeing the golden edges of acid-free pages and raise the tome to catch the faint telling scent of leather!

Sis. Dew has layed-out darkwood designer bookshelves from ceiling to floor, in the East Room of Deseret Book, filled with beautiful copies of Church History by Joseph Smith, The Messiah series by Bruce R. McConkie (incredibly on sale right now for half price), the 16 volume set of The Words of the Prophets, in addition to various single volumes of great interest to all members.

The numbered volumes are especially beautiful, but one can find unnumbered books among the lot just as beautiful at a lower rate.

The volume Covenant Hearts by Bruce Hafen clearly defends the proposition of a covenant marriage positioned in a stronger place than the mere contract of today's world. He defends covenant marriage against the onslaught of other social constructs.

President of Twelve Boyd K. Packer's beautifully etched volume Mine Errand from the Lord speaks clearly on various topics necessary for all members of the Church.

Her own volume thrown into the mix, Sheri Dew's God Wants a Powerful People outlines steps toward greater commitment to His Kingdom. Particularly poignant are her intimations about regular attendance to the Temple, her preferences in those solemn moments in that Holy Place, and the solice and strength to be found only there. Also lusciously bound is her If It Were Easy, It Wouldn't be Worth It.

Other bound copies include such authors as Parley P. Pratt, Elder Russell M. Nelson, Gerald Lund, Blaine Yorgeson, the English Biblical scholar Ferrell, and our prophet Thomas S. Monson.

The heirloom book section-chief told me that Pres. Monson's leather-bound copy of To the Rescue arrived today. Now we have the quality cover to match his message!

This Christmas Season, we should gather our remaining "gold and silver" and return to Jerusalem to obtain these beautiful leather books, in order to teach our children how priceless a possession is the wisdom of the prophets in these best books from Deseret Book!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Smashing Stories: Baseball and Writing

Smashing Stories: Baseball and Writing

Smashing Stories is a website of three up-and-coming women writers, who take turns churning out their thoughts, opines and dreams. Worth linking up to these three!

In England, an apartment is called a flat; an elevator, a lift; and, well, we from the United States are still affectionately called "colonists." Here in the States, we say someone is brilliant, if they do something extraordinary. In England they say (make sure you read this with a Brit accent): You're such a clever girl! [Director's notes: Elongate the "yoouu're" - nearly sing it, clip the "such," then, pause penultimately before punching "clever," and finally mulling deliciously the word "girl."]

And so it is with these three. They are clever young women forging a place for themselves in this age of electronic volubility. This blogger will always tell you of things and people, and now, of these three writers, who are, without question, of good report!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama - Yuri N. Maltsev - Mises Media(MPEG-4 Video)

Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama - Yuri N. Maltsev - Mises Media(MPEG-4 Video)

This foundational lecture on the evils of socialism by a former-Soviet economist is a must be seen by all Americans. This is one of those Best-Lectures that should inform our lives and voting decisions.
1 Socialism killed 160 million people to prove that it was a "workable" system.
2 Marx's writings were classified by Lenin in secret KGB files, they were so horrific! Recently declassified, a paper Marx wrote in 1888 in Bonn, Germany stated that there is a lot of "racial trash" in the world that should be killed - burned in the fire of socialist progress. Violence is the midwife of history.
3 Stalin said: "Death of one is tragedy; death of million is statistic." (Syntax intended.)
4 Lenin was tired of the Russian people not listening to his admonishments. His KGB director said: Take one or two out and shoot them publicly. They expanded that to 10s, then 100s, 1,000s and tens of thousands. That increased the Russian people's attention span!
5 During the 1930s, at the peak of Soviet economic expansion, the KGB were killing an average of 12,000 a day!
6 The United States people elected a Marxist-Leninist president. Obama was up-front about his politics in his book Dreams of My Father. Therein he states that his mentor was Frank Marshall Davis - a member of the American Communist Party. Davis was a close associate of Paul Robison, the singer, who was a Russian spy and was on the KGB payroll.
7 These men and others ascribed to the 1920s Communist tract: And Not a Shot was Fired, a how-to book on destroying the United States from within. Destroy the churches and the families of America!
8 George Bernard Shaw in a filmed interview stated that there many worthless people in the world, and called on science to come up with a gas that would get rid of those worthless millions. Science obliged with inventing Cylcon-B.
9 According to this former Russian economist, Michael Moore in his book Downsize This on page 27 states that the conservative writer William Safire would be raking manure in the society that Moore wants established. "We should take Moore's threat seriously."

You be very careful who you vote for and give power to in the 2010 Election.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why We Do Some of the Things We Do - Ensign Article - Why We Do Some of the Things We Do

The church has a right to take action on moral issues, though some see them as political issues and apply a rubric too narrow and restrictive to these moral questions.

When a Loved One Struggles with Same-Sex Attraction - Ensign Article - When a Loved One Struggles with Same-Sex Attraction

A brief review of the research, and some ill-drawn conclusions, together with some loving suggestions for members.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Declaration of Independence - 7 Translation(s) | dotSUB

Declaration of Independence - 7 Translation(s) dotSUB

This is such a great production of a document that some experts believe Thomas Jefferson meant to be read aloud and performed in townhalls throughout the fledgling republic.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism -

Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism -

Once Obama said he was going to share the wealth, we all could tell he was a socialist. This series further reveals to what extent his socialism would reach.

Friday, August 6, 2010

George Will Speaks to Cato Institute

The Cato Institute: Featured Videos

We know where government dependency leads to. It leads to the anti-government mobs in the streets of Athens. The liberal Left is all about making more and more people dependent on government.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Bastiat Project

The Bastiat Project

Here's an Old Dead White Guy, the French economist Frederick Bastiat, who in the 18th century debunked why Cash-for-Clunkers and other ill-conceived policies today aren't good for the economy.

This project will make his essays available to college students across the nation.

Polish Ads Promote Abortion Tourism to England

This is an incredibly callous call for a tourism to end an inconvenient pregnancy.

Venezuela's Faltering Central Plan

Venezuela's Faltering Central Plan

My second "alma nacional" is having economic problems because of a Marxist central planner who is ruining the "bravo pueblo" of Venezuela with food shortages, rotting food on the ports, and tens of thousands of murders. Hear the details!

"!Que el yugo lanzaremos!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 - Media Research Center - Media Research Center

We are not getting the whole story on this issue. Biased mainstream media is biased in their reporting of this issue. Read this:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dangerous Supplements

Dangerous Supplements

My lawyer told me of a woman who refused to heed his counsel to get cancer treatment. She insisted on treating herself with an herbal remedy of comfrey tea. She would treat her cancer by drinking lots of comfrey tea, which she did not know causes liver failure if drunk in excessive amounts.

Within a year the woman died of liver failure, long before the preventable cancer had progressed to an advanced stage.

Read this list and be warned!

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Hilarious Arizona Ruling - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

The Hilarious Arizona Ruling - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

The judge in this case got it wrong - comically wrong, according to Lowry.

CBC News - Canada - Military rejects WikiLeaks friendly fire report

CBC News - Canada - Military rejects WikiLeaks friendly fire report

Someone out there needs to shut this stupid kid up! Throw his kleine-kiester in the clink, nail it to the wall, and make sure he gets dishonorably discharged from the Army, spending some serious time incarcerated!

Here he goes again! That pimpled private in Army Intelligence has leaked another bogus report, as he tries to make a name for himself.

This is the same idiot who leaked the copter attack on a group of terrorists who were up-to-no-good and trying to cover their deadly intent. (See commentary deeper in this blog.)

By leaking names, this extremely amateurish, contemptible soldier has endangered those Afghans who have reported intel to Americans.

These people and their families are now in the gravest danger, because of this execrable, arrogant "intelligence" peon who thought he knew better than anyone else.

If villagers die because of this villain, he should be condemned, denounced and derogated to the fullest extent possible.

Kagan’s Abortion Distortion - Shannen W. Coffin - National Review Online

Kagan’s Abortion Distortion - Shannen W. Coffin - National Review Online

Kagan lied in a memo as she recommended to the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) that partial-birth abortion was determined by a national study to be the only way to save the mother's life, when in fact that study said no such thing!

We are appointing agenda-driven activists to the highest court in the land. These are jurists whose ideas more closely align with European socialist democracies than with this constitutional republic.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Al Gore & The Death of Journalism

Al Gore & The Death of Journalism

If you ask a wealthy politician a difficult question, your microphone will be cut off. There is a kind of double standard in this protection from hard issues. Watch the video.

The Nine Lies Of Al Gore

The Nine Lies Of Al Gore

British High Court Judge decides that Al Gore's film "one-sided" and is "alarmism and exaggeration in support of his political thesis." Nine easy-to-read brief sentences on each inaccuracy.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Black Panther Thugs with Billyclubs Intimidate Voters

The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog

Black Panther thugs with billyclubs in Philadelphia intimidate voters and yell racial epithets at the polls. Hear the Panther leader yell that we're goning to have to kill "cracker" babies. These are dangerous revolutionaries protected by the Obama justice department.

If Klu Klux Klan or Neo-Nazi members did the same, they would be prosecuted! But not these thugs!

The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog

The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog

Black Panther thugs with billyclubs in Philadelphia intimidate voters and yell racial epithets at the polls. Hear the Panther leader yell that we're goning to have to kill "cracker" babies. These are dangerous revolutionaries protected by the Obama justice department.

If Klu Klux Klan or Neo-Nazi members did the same, they would be prosecuted! But not these thugs!

Federal Judge Strikes Down Defense of Marriage Act | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Defense of Marriage Act The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

How such judicial fiats erode the People's will and their legislative redress of grievance.

Saturday, July 10, 2010 is Wrong on War Crime Conclusion

These people obviously have an agenda. I viewed the video. These men are not pulling out a camera, but a MANPAD surface-to-air weapon.

It looked Russian.

Then, as the copter circled back to where the men were, and could clearly see the men on the ground, these "innocents" had already packed up the weapon and pretended to have nothing.

These so-called innocent bystanders had gathered around the weapon carrier to shield his weapon from view. They should have been taken out.

If it were just a camera, and they just wanted to videotape the chopper, then why didn't they keep filming as the chopper came back into view? Why were they all together on that corner providing cover for the weapons man? All of them were NOT innocents. They were men caught in the act of hiding behind a building, pulling out their Russian-made MANPAD, but couldn't get off a clear shot before the chopper went behind the buildings, out of sight.

Why was everything packed up so quickly as the choppper came back around? Why were the men so "casually" bunched up around the guy with the over-sized shoulder pack?

When the bullets started flying, the fellow with the MANPAD ran very fast, and dropped that weapon very quickly, but was rightly cut down with the other duplicitous men hanging around him, covering for him.

And the van that pulled up with the children in the front seat? You telling me the men were babysitting with the women at their day jobs, when the call came in to rescue the reporter under fire? Why were there children in a rescue vehicle? The reporter makes the call, says he's under fire, come get him, and the men look at each other and have to decide what to do with the children they're babysitting, while their women in burkas are at work, and there's no one to leave the children with, while they go pick-up this guy who was under fire?

Are you kidding me?

Those children were used as human shields by ugly, villainous, sinister men!

And websites like - who argue that these are trigger-happy Americans attempting a cover-up for a "war atrocity" - are agenda-driven, Left-wing ignoramuses. These activists are some of the most dangerous people in this Republic.

And that Army Intelligence private who supposedly leaked all this to us "poor, misled citizens", in order to awaken us to the evil acts we perpetrate upon the people of the world - that weak-minded dunce should be in trouble.

I watched the video, open to all possibilities from the start - wondering if this were an atrocity. I saw the men on the ground, watched their actions, saw the "camera," saw their behavior as the chopper came around, saw the men drive up in a van with children in it, looked up a MANPAD website, saw the Soviet surface-to-air shoulder weapon - it looked exactly like the weapon those terrorists were using - and concluded that the kid in Army Intelligence must believe he is one of those Anointed (Thomas Sowell) whose conclusions are much more correct than his superiors.

I'm not one of his superiors, and I'm sayin' - he's wrong! I saw what that kid saw and it ain't what he says he saw in the comfort of his desk at the Pentagon.

This kid's kiester should be shishkabobbed and dishonorably discharged! He's no hero.

Friday, July 9, 2010

William Buckley and the 1968 Election

Advice to the President of the United States to not get too full of himself. Obama would do well to hear this.

John Coleman: Revelle's Research Flawed

Harvard researcher Revelle, the father of global warming, backs off from his conclusions.

Ronald Reagan - A Time for Choosing (October 27, 1964)

Life so dear and peace so sweet...? If you have a different idea, you deserve the masters who will govern you...for you.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010



Sometimes the only things that get us through the hardships we go through are Lord's tender mercies. I have known these tender mercies over all His works, and would scarce be able to endure slander and lies for His sake, endure the hatred of persecutors, and even death at the hands of assassins were it not for His tender mercies.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thomas Sowell on Intellectuals and Society

Here are two men discussing intellectuals and their effect in the world. In my belief's literature, intellectuals are some of those who live in that Great and Spacious Building (Lehi's Dream) - puffed in pride for their chances of learning and their fine apparel, and who look down from their heights, pointing their fingers at, and mocking those who are eating of the Fruit of the Love of God.

The irony of the literary image of that ancient dream is that those who are outside of the Building, who are eating the fruit of the Love of God are those who are most exposed to the elements - outside, unprotected. Yet, they remain steadfast, careful not to stray into "forbidden paths" lost forever.

Take a few moments to listen to ideas that may challenge your long-held dogmas.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The End of the World as We Know It, with Mark Steyn

This is how the Nanny State takes care of us and we fall into decline. Low birth rates, universal welfare, socialized institutions, early retirements all contribute to a world you may not enjoy.

Thomas Sowell and a Conflict of Visions

Why are conservatives and liberals so different? This is how it distills down to the essential elements.

Hornblower Trailer - A Study of Command

Here is a British series of some 9 episodes which serves as a study of command, and cross-applies to all areas of life with such qualities essential to character as loyalty, bravery, integrity, intelligence, ingenuity, comraderie. These are serious and extraordinarily well acted performances. If one can't afford the BBC set, go to YouTube and watch some exciting segments.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thomas Sowell and a Conflict of Visions

Two visions underlie the contemporary political scene. You can see these two visions in the conflict between the Left and the Right.

The American Revolution enshrined Constitutional institutions to constrain a particular person from being a messiah to save the People.

The French Revolution trusted an individual to alleviate the ills of society.

Melanie Phillips ~ Question Time (4.02.10) [1/2]

Listen to her argument on why she thinks it reasonable that we be in Iraq and why the war there was not just about WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction).

Melanie Phillips: God, Truth & Power (2/8)

Militant secular belief systems are dogmatic, closed-minded and oppressive.

Melanie Phillips: God, Truth & Power (1/8)

She shows how the intelligentsia have turned reason on its head and turned us into fodder for fables. Go ahead and take 10 minutes to epose yourselves to views that science and reason should be able to tolerate, but which the dogmas of the post-modern world cannot tolerate because they have their blinders on.

Melanie Phillips: World Turned Upside Down (2/7)

This Oxford trained journalist takes out some of the -isms of this generation. Beware of them my dear ones - this humanism, this secularism of the Left. If you want an effective defense against some of the dogmatic intelligentsia of this age, read through these pages. Hold fast to that which is true. This book is one of those good books from which we can seek and find wisdom.

Do not let go of that iron wrought word, to stray into forbidden paths, or into mists of darkness. Feast upon the Love of God - that most delicious fruit! Do not heed those who stand in that great and spacious building and who believe they are safe in this world, for it is a building that will crumble as will all nations. Ironically, the only safety is under the branches of that tree, exposed as we are to the elements of this harsh world.

Sprint - HTC EVO™ 4G "Firsts" :60

Nike Commercial Move: Olympics (Cleanest Audio)