Sunday, August 8, 2010

Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism -

Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism -

Once Obama said he was going to share the wealth, we all could tell he was a socialist. This series further reveals to what extent his socialism would reach.

Friday, August 6, 2010

George Will Speaks to Cato Institute

The Cato Institute: Featured Videos

We know where government dependency leads to. It leads to the anti-government mobs in the streets of Athens. The liberal Left is all about making more and more people dependent on government.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Bastiat Project

The Bastiat Project

Here's an Old Dead White Guy, the French economist Frederick Bastiat, who in the 18th century debunked why Cash-for-Clunkers and other ill-conceived policies today aren't good for the economy.

This project will make his essays available to college students across the nation.

Polish Ads Promote Abortion Tourism to England

This is an incredibly callous call for a tourism to end an inconvenient pregnancy.

Venezuela's Faltering Central Plan

Venezuela's Faltering Central Plan

My second "alma nacional" is having economic problems because of a Marxist central planner who is ruining the "bravo pueblo" of Venezuela with food shortages, rotting food on the ports, and tens of thousands of murders. Hear the details!

"!Que el yugo lanzaremos!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 - Media Research Center - Media Research Center

We are not getting the whole story on this issue. Biased mainstream media is biased in their reporting of this issue. Read this:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dangerous Supplements

Dangerous Supplements

My lawyer told me of a woman who refused to heed his counsel to get cancer treatment. She insisted on treating herself with an herbal remedy of comfrey tea. She would treat her cancer by drinking lots of comfrey tea, which she did not know causes liver failure if drunk in excessive amounts.

Within a year the woman died of liver failure, long before the preventable cancer had progressed to an advanced stage.

Read this list and be warned!